Cleaning Maintenance in the summer

Summer, summer, summer! The season where we have the best times of the year. More time spent outdoors and less indoors. Little things like checking on surfaces for mold to pulling out weeds from your garden makes a HUGE difference.  Having a clean environment is crucial. Whether it be your home, office, or car, having these spaces tidy will make a big difference. These things can affect your mental and physical health. We will be breaking down some summer “chores” that are a lot more fun than you think. 

Check for mold: 

We always stress that doing routine checkups on mold is crucial to having a clean environment. Mold can lead to dangerous problems. It can have a strain on your health.  Additionally, this can cause structural damage if not caught early.  DIY tests can be done, but we recommend certified professionals to conduct these tests.  Of course, we always want to try and get the most bang for our buck, but when it comes to mold you should let the professionals take care of it. 

Clean your car: 

Your car is a part of your everyday life. You will find yourself in your car driving to and from work, or taking your kids to and from school. The average person spends 18 days from the year driving (being in their car). It also helps keep the value of your vehicle up and maintenance down. Make sure to clean out your car twice a month, especially during the warmer days. 

Garage clean and crawl space out: 

Most try to avoid these two, but it will magnify your storage by ten! These are key places in your home that can store many holiday items as well as any everyday essentials. Many turn these places into the ultimate storage units that are arranged and labeled to know exactly where everything is at. Don’t let your garage or your crawl space be a dumping ground, be productive over your space. HAVE A PLAN and get ready to get rid of things you and your family do not need anymore. 

These might seem like time-consuming projects, but as long as you have a plan you’re set for success. You will be glad you got these summer “chores” done, once winter comes around. Getting these tasks done will open up your schedule. It will allow you to spend time with friends and family. As well as tackling more home projects/ renovations. 

Check out our Instagram for everyday cleaning hacks that will be extremely helpful and time saving. 

IG: @BluCleaning 

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