COVID-19 Disinfecting: What The Cleaning Industry is Doing

What a year it’s been. Different phases and measures were placed for us to finally reach the place where we are today. There have been many changes and a rollercoaster of emotions we have all endured during COVID-19. Get Vaccinated! Since the release of the vaccine, we have been able to see that cities and states have completely opened up. Although we have seen a lot of progression in the spread of COVID-19, it is a good idea to make sure employers will continue to conduct proper disinfecting.

If you’re able to get vaccinated we encourage you to do so! This will allow us to get back to business sooner than we expected. 

Hygiene matters!

According to the CDC, restaurants should require employees to frequently wash their hands while working for 20 seconds. 

  • Hand sanitizers should contain at least 60% alcohol. 
  • The number of COVID-19 disinfecting cleanings has risen. It is important to do a complete deep cleaning once a week. Continue to disinfect high-risk once per hour. 

Clean surfaces frequently. Areas that are high risk should be disinfected at least once per day (doorknobs, shared items. You should allow for disinfectants to set for at least 10 seconds before wiping away.

Check out this “Checklist” (p.s yes we are punny) 


 “ When we do Cleanings and Disinfecting, we ensure to always wear full proper PPE. We make sure to pay close attention to all touch points. We start by cleaning all surfaces using a disinfectant cleaner to remove all debris. After we have completed the cleaning portion, we do a final walk-through with the client if they are still there to ensure everything has been a hit and that the client is ok with that portion of the project. After we have completed the walk-through and got the green light to continue with the spray down portion, we’ll start from the furthest section from the exit and work our way out. We must follow the dwell time on the solution we use. We use disinfectants that don’t need more than 1 minute of dwell time. We have to ensure the surfaces are still wet after the 1 minute dwell time otherwise we have to re-spray. Once it’s been past the 1 minute wait we start wiping the surfaces dry to remove all dead bacteria. We have to ensure to switch out our microfiber rags after each surface or once the microfiber rag is wet. We cannot use the same rag for more than one surface or if it’s wet because at that point we’re spreading whatever bacteria and germs that were just cleaned. We make sure to let the client know that they can’t enter the space until after 2 hours of completion.”  

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