Seasonal Services

We know that Chicago can have some crazy weather seasons. One day it might be pouring rain non-stop, while the next day it’s your favorite polar vortex. In light of these seasonal changes we offer tailored-cleaning services to address needs of our customers. These include snow removal packages throughout the winter, and exterior window cleaning services during summer months. Learn more about these offerings below!

Snow Removal

“Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! But maybe not in front of my business please?”

We completely understand the thought process. Blu offers snow removal for those last minute weather changes. Sometimes, it doesn’t just snow one day….but back-to-back. So we take charge in arriving daily to not only remove piles of snow, but also salt your walkways to ensure safety. Your customers will appreciate not having snow-filled shoes!

  • We offer different kinds of salt solutions, pet-friendly, eco-friendly

Exterior Window Cleaning

Have you ever noticed grime buildup or rain marks stuck on your windows? You clean the inside but notice that the marks won’t go away. That’s because you need exterior window cleaning! With the changing weather in Chicago, your windows might go from Fab to Drab. However, we offer ground floor window cleaning! Your business’ exterior might be the first impression for a customer. A clean business can truly make an impact.

Power Washing

Have you ever noticed grime buildup or rain marks stuck on your windows? You clean the inside but notice that the marks won’t go away. That’s because you need exterior window cleaning! With the changing weather in Chicago, your windows might go from Fab to Drab. However, we offer ground floor window cleaning! Your business’ exterior might be the first impression for a customer. A clean business can truly make an impact.

Gutter Cleaning

Have you ever noticed grime buildup or rain marks stuck on your windows? You clean the inside but notice that the marks won’t go away. That’s because you need exterior window cleaning! With the changing weather in Chicago, your windows might go from Fab to Drab. However, we offer ground floor window cleaning! Your business’ exterior might be the first impression for a customer. A clean business can truly make an impact.

Driveway Sealing

Have you ever noticed grime buildup or rain marks stuck on your windows? You clean the inside but notice that the marks won’t go away. That’s because you need exterior window cleaning! With the changing weather in Chicago, your windows might go from Fab to Drab. However, we offer ground floor window cleaning! Your business’ exterior might be the first impression for a customer. A clean business can truly make an impact.

Need Seasonal Services?