Indoor Pressure Washing & Extraction

Instead of directly scrubbing the surface, we utilize an indoor pressure washing system to remove wastes. This indoor pressure washing system adds enough pressure to extract dirt, calcium, and rust. It can also rinse walls, especially in shower rooms. The nozzle can blast mold developments in showers and other unwanted buildup. Overall, it’s a no-touch system that provides the heavy-powered cleaning needed in your space.

We typically use indoor pressure washing on tiled walls & concrete vicinities. Here are the top 3 places that we pressure wash:

  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Basements

Why Choose a No-Touch System?


It’s high powered nozzle blasts shower mold, buildup, calcium, and rust in a quick manner.

Minimizes Contamination

With a No-Touch System, it allows us to minimize contamination. When using mops or other tools, there is more room for error with cross-contamination of substances. 


A no-touch indoor pressure washing system is pertinent in keeping our staff & clients safe. By minimizing cross-contamination, and being farther away from dangerous mold developments, we ensure safety for all. 

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