
Besides attending events all over Chicago, we also host them! We previously hosted a Real Estate + Cleaning Lunch & Learn, showcasing the latest technological innovations in cleaning, that would remove multiple headaches for property managers alike. We host Lunch & Learns for all industries. Stay tuned on our social media for our upcoming events!

Founder & CEO
April 20, 1970
Juarez & Associates, 12139 National Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.
Founder & CEO
April 20, 1970
Maggiano's, 205 Mall Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA, U.S.


Our splash techs are always out and about! One aspect of Blu we love showcasing is not only our current & past projects….but also how much FUN we have as a company! Do we have barbecues after long days? Absolutely. Do we showcase our insider tips on cleaning? Yep. Do we have some truly crazy cleanups that turn stomachs upside down? You got it! Check out what the Blu Crew is up to by following us on Instagram! You can take a look at our gallery below for more updates. #BluCleaning

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